What’s The Real Cost of a small recording space
What’s the real cost or investment to set-up a small recording space?
If you study with a Coach: I will be your biggest Investment.
Nowadays, you will need to be able to record your own auditions. And if you book a job that is in need of technology you don't have, you will find a studio in your area that can accommodate you. However at some point the investment of that technology might become necessary. Even with all of those investments: I will still be your biggest investment in your career.
Of course there are other non monetary investments. The time and effort of auditioning, creating demos, learning new skills such as new technology, business and time marketing yourself.
All of those investments DO NOT stop once you’re established in the industry. There are always new technologies to learn, website updates, marketing materials, emailing, subscriptions and memberships to maintain, more branding and continued marketing.
Beyond coaching, to start, you can do it for under $400.00 if you already have a decent MAC/PC and decent speakers. If you don't have a dedicated quiet space like a closet, you might have to spend anywhere from $100-2000+ depending on your wants and needs so the space acoustically sounds professional.
Eventually you will need a Microphone, headphones, computer, and possibly other studio equipment.
Many people are willing to spend money on gear and not on Coaching. I see newcomers wanting to get into the industry that end up focusing on the technical side and forget about honing their skills. To me, this is a huge mistake. I'm not sure where this mentality came from but it has become rampant. I believe it might be because it is a way to busy themselves and feel they are “Doing” something as a way to divert their energy because it can be scary to put yourself out there and be vulnerable enough to learn something new. I highly recommend starting with coaching before you buy any equipment or run to get a demo done.