General Frequently Asked Questions
There is a 24-hour cancellation policy in order to be eligible for a make up session (short of waking up with a cold or of course, an emergency). This is in place because it is difficult to fill a canceled slot in less than 24 hours.
Emergencies happen and life sometimes gets in the way . You get ONE “Freebie” last minute cancellation. (unless, of course, god forbid, other emergencies happen).
There ARE times where I might send you “home”. You will not be charged for that lesson.
I’m a Full Time VO and do On-Camera on occasion. This means I might have last minute sessions or out of studio auditions/jobs which require me to reschedule. You will NOT be charged for the lesson.
No-shows or failure to notify me within 24 hours is considered a forfeited session, and you will be charged.
PayPal – Use the links on my website or find me with my email AlysonSteel@gmail.com (when prompted, please say you are sending money to a friend in order to avoid fees on my end)
If you use any of the following payment methods,
Venmo – AlysonSteel
Zelle – 818-807-9695 or AlysonSteel@gmail.com
CashAPP – 818-807-9695 or @AlysonSteel
please be aware you will need to email me and let me know the following:
Your name and how you paid
What days of the week are best for you session
Let me know if you have completed the first 3 videos.
Veterans Discount: 15% – Email me a picture of your DD214
Tuition is due BEFORE our Session.
$190/ hour
$95/ half hour
$25/month – Post demo ongoing access to me.
Free 15 minute consultation for new clients.
Contact Me if you have questions that don’t require a full half hour of time over Zoom together.
Coaching times are Monday-Friday. Please EMAIL to set Appointments:
When you email me, please Include the days and times you are requesting in your time zone. (I’m in Los Angeles – PST). I will email you back and send you a confirmation of the day and time of our session along with some copy to peruse. (Do not over rehearse.)
Bring any questions you have to our session. I will send you a ZOOM link a few minutes before our meeting.
Tuition is due Before our Session.
$190/ hr
$95/ half hour
$45 for 15 minute audition prep or Demo reviews with critique via email.
$25/Month – Post demo ongoing access to me.
Email/Phone/Text if you have questions that don’t require a full half hour of time over Zoom together.
Read aloud 5-10 minutes a day.
Watch / Listen to TV, radio, YouTube and any other commercials.
Rehearse the copy that I give you, but do not over rehearse.
Once you make your payment for a one on one session over zoom, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to schedule your one on one lesson with me.
If you don’t receive a confirmation email, please check your spam box.
If you still can’t find it, you can email me
Questions About Voice Over Career
You will need a decent computer and a good Internet connection. I tell people NOT to invest in microphones or other equipment initially because you might get through a few lessons and decide it really isn't something you want to do professionally. Don't put the cart before the horse.
VO talent MUST learn and know how to work their own Home Equipment and how to direct yourself on your own.
I’m a coach and consider myself a mentor but I am not an agent. Occasionally voice castings, productions and helping agents or clients find the right VO Actors for jobs does happen.
Yes! I produce demos with my engineer, Bryan Showalter. It’s a very affordable rate compared to most producers. Visit my Demo Production page for students here Voice Over Demo Production
Not yet. That topic is covered in Lesson One of my videos
Reviewing demos takes time and is a service which needs to be done during paid lesson time. There are many reasons for this, but the most important one is that this detailed, professional review is something you need to be present for and the value is in hearing my immediate reactions as they happen. I want to be able to give talent particular notes on the reasons and areas in which the demo is working and not working and why – and this takes time.
I have Many VO folks each week contacting me about wanting to get their demos professionally reviewed and I wouldn't have time to get my work done or teach if I am busy answering email questions and reviewing demos.
Email with a request for a lesson time slot where we can review your demo. Once we book and confirm that time slot, I’ll ask you to re-email me your demos before your appointment but not before then because I can't store your demo on my computer.
No need. We will cover all groundwork during your first paid lesson for sure.
Have faith and trust in me as your coach that I will cover everything.
No VO background is necessary – NO acting background is necessary (Though we will talk about acting and you will invariably learn about acting).
I treat every student as an individual and if you are intermediate or advanced, I skip ahead and teach according to your specific needs.
branding questions
After we create your demo, we then get into what I call Phase 2 – Marketing and Branding so you can get out there and get representation and find work.
Again, my teachers used to say, “It should be called BUSINESS SHOW as opposed to SHOW BUSINESS.” Voice Over is a business. An artistic business, but a business nonetheless. This is not a get rich quick industry otherwise everyone in the world would be doing it.
Agents look for what is unique about you – something they don't already have on their roster. If your demo presents a portrait of versatility, you are saying “I can give you unique range.
You must be able to market yourself. You must know what is unique about the brand of YOU.
Your training with me will not only give you the skills to perform, but also the understanding of what is unique about you and the brand that your VO personality offers.
Your demo is the biggest piece of marketing and/or contact that any agent receives from you. In our private sessions immediately after we record your demo, I go over your other marketing materials with a fine tooth comb and then provide you a comprehensive list of agents, production houses and places to find work. This usually takes about 2 hours.
PUrchasing Videos
The first three videos are identical to what I teach in a one-on-one ZOOM private session. It sets the foundation for what you will need to know in the VO industry. The videos are virtually IDENTICAL to what I am going to talk about with you during the first three lessons (and I will fill in the gaps with any new info I’ve come across since making them). Quite literally the videos are EXACTLY like being with me in person.
2 reasons I made the videos:
1-) It saves students money and they can start immediately and
2-) I got tired of repeating myself over and over. :)
Of course, some people don’t want to watch the videos and prefer one on one from the beginning which is totally understandable. The info in those videos is something you will refer to even after you make a demo. Pretty much all of my students refer back to them or you will hear me say during lessons “Remember what I said in video (1,2,3)….”
That being said - whichever you prefer, the choice is yours. As long as you don't share the videos with anyone because YOU purchased them and do not gain anything by giving them to anyone (unless they live in your household).
After the first three videos - if indeed you get those - we will be in person via ZOOM.
Sorry, all sales are final.