Voice Over coaching videos
Getting Started With Alyson
I’m excited to offer a 3-part Voice Over course where you can study at your own pace, and it will set the foundation for what you will need to know in the VO industry. After you complete these first three videos, you can then book one-on-one Zoom session packages with me.
Not sure if you are ready to jump in? How about a 15 minute consultation for FREE? When in doubt, let’s talk it out! Meet with me online and let’sanswer any questions you might have about your journey. Click here to schedule your 15 minute consulatation.
The First Step in Your Voice Over Journey with Alyson
There are three videos that include the same content as what I teach in a one-on-one ZOOM private session. They set the foundation for what you will need to know in the VO industry. The videos contain voice over training basics that all perspective students need to get started doing voice over work. If there is any new information that you should know since the recording, I will update you when we meet in person, after your videos sessions have been completed.
Why can’t I just make an appointment to start with? There are primarily 2 reasons why I made these Videos:
It saves you money, and you can start immediately! The videos allow you to take the classes at your own pace to work with your schedule when you are ready to learn.
There are voice over fundamentals that all students need, and rather than wait for a class to be scheduled, a video presents the same info equally well. Covering these basics in a video allows our in person time to be far more individualized for each student.
Of course, some people prefer one on one training from the beginning, which is understandable. However, the info in these videos is something you will refer to even after you make a demo. Most all of my students refer back to them at one point or another during their career.
It’s your choice as to how you get started, right now with videos, or by scheduling a training session with me. If you do choose videos, I only ask that you not share them with anyone else because YOU purchased them. (Unless they live in your household).
After you have completed viewing the first three videos, the next step will be to schedule a consultation and meet in person via ZOOM. Please visit the In Person Coaching Page to book a coaching session.
Get Started Today
You can buy one video at a time, or buy all 3 videos together in a money saving bundle. Your choice, the information is the same.
Lesson 1
Intro to Voice Over: Lesson 1
You Will Learn About:
The Fundamentals of the Voice Over Business
The Different Genres of the Voice Over Industry
How to Make Money Doing Voice Overs
Union vs. Non-Union Gigs
Pay to Play Sites
The Technology Used in the Business
Watch the intro video to learn about more details.
Lesson 2
Intro to Voice Over: Lesson 2
You Will Learn About:
More About the Voice Over Business
Vocal Fitness Do’s and Don’ts
Secrets for Avoiding Colds
Exercises for Voice Over
Best Foods for Voice Overs
Hw to Deal With Nerves
The 6 P’s and More
Lesson 3
Intro to Voice Over: Video 3
You Will Learn About:
Launching Your Voice Over Career
Techniques for Breaking Down Commercial Copy
How to Take Direction
How to Self-Direct Efficiently
How to Mark and Rehearse Copy.
BUY The Full 3 Video Package
This Package Includes:
All 3 Voice Over Lessons
PLUS: Alyson Steel’s new eBook, “Alyson’s Guide to Voice Over Success.”
The new books walks the aspiring performer step-by-step through how to put your voice over career on the fast track.AND MORE: Audio (mp3) interview with a friend and colleague who has been in the industry for 45 years that will give you even more information about careers in voice over, as well as inspire you.
All this at discount!
Many people ask me “How do you tell someone if they aren't cut out for being a VO actor or if they have NO talent?” I tell them that after a few lessons, people realize it for themselves. I'm very honest with people. I'll help you understand how competitive your skills are as you go through this VO journey. It's my job to teach and encourage you. But after only meeting you one time – I wouldn't discourage anyone. Some people have a natural ability for learning VO skills. For other people, it's less intuitive, and after about 3 or 4 lessons, it will become clear to the student how difficult the journey might be. Some of those people have chosen to stop studying. Others pressed on for a while. Conversely, I have had students that went all the way to making a Demo and then decided VO was not for them but they were so grateful and happy to have studied as they say it changed their lives for the better. They wanted to overcome stage fright, learn to read aloud more smoothly, get comfortable making oral presentations at their workplace, lose accents or various other positive things. Some initially seemed so nervous and not very talented and got to a level proficiency and gained agency representation.
I teach on a psychological level, and one thing I can guarantee is learning Voice Over will change you for the better. When I teach you, Everything I do is intentional. You must have Trust in me if I am going to be your coach/mentor.
Voice Over is a Career. Yes, it is fun and creative. But it is a Business. Otherwise, let's face it, everyone would be pursuing it. My teachers used to say to me – it should be called “BUSINESS SHOW” as opposed to “SHOW BUSINESS”. Nobody knows how much money you might earn. But, if you put in the time and effort and are committed to it because you can't imagine doing anything else - then you will probably make money. If you are in it for quick cash or a get rich quick scheme, then this is not the field for you. It is not a pyramid or an MLM.
Voice Over is Highly Competitive. That said, there is always room for someone who takes it seriously and knows in their bones that they want to be in the field. So they train and learn and practice. And Yes, many people do make a great deal of money using their voices in Voice Over. But like anything else, those who make a great deal of money are skilled, trained and well-established. Very few of them started at the top. It is hard to get into anything and be at the top of a game. You might be funny and you might have a great voice, but there are some tangible skills that need to be learned, practiced, and perfected if you hope to make the kind of money that the serious professionals are making in VO.
Yes and No. You can learn how to do voice overs and the business of VO but you must practice, train and market yourself. I always say the old adage, “Cream rises to the top.” Some people just have more talent than others innately. You need to know who you are, where your strengths lie and what your limitations are in order to know where you fit into the field. If you have the tenacity and hunger for it, then yes – you can become a professional VO actor. But not everyone has that deep desire to put in the hard work.
Yes, many children are used in cartoons, commercials, games and apps. My Kids have been doing professional VO since they were 3 years old.
FANTASTIC! That gives you an edge for making money in all of the genres out there multiplied by the number of languages you speak.
““Aly and Bryan catapulted my voiceover career. I was a beginner, and once Aly said I was ready, we recorded my demo. After sending it out, I ended up with eight, yes, EIGHT, different agents after a weekend of emails. It was an incredibly validating experience and set me up for professional success.” – Kevin P.”